Cornus mas sorten
Cornus mas sorten

cornus mas sorten
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Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation. «Synergetic effects of oral administration of levamisole and Echinacea purpurea on immune response in Wistar rat».

cornus mas sorten

↑ Sadigh-Eteghad S, khayat-Nuri H, Abadi N, Ghavami S, Golabi M, Shanebandi D.↑ « Echinacea purpurea - (L.)Moench.».↑ Methodus plantes horti botanici et agri Marburgensis :a staminum situ describendi, Conrado Moench, Marburgi Cattorum : in officina nova libraria academiae, 1794.Terminoloxía descriptiva de les plantes.Rudbeckia serotina Sweet Rudbeckia speciosa Link Ver tamién Echinacea speciosa Paxton Rudbeckia hispida Hoffmanns. serotina ( Sweet) L.H.Bailey Echinacea serotina (Sweet) D.Don ex G.Don Echinacea serotina DC. ex Paxton Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Echinacea purpurea var. SinónimosĮsta especie foi designada a lo llargo de la hestoria con otros nomes científicos consideraos sinónimos: Brauneria purpurea (L.) Britton Echinacea Entemedia Lindl. Purpurea: epítetu llatíno que significa "de color púrpura". EtimoloxíaĮl nome del xéneru procede del griegu echino, que significa "espinosu", debíu al discu central espinosu de la cabezuela floral. Per vía esterna pal tratamientu d' úlceres, llagues y firíes.Įchinacea purpurea describióse por ( L.) Moench y espublizóse en Methodus Plantes Horti Botanici et Agri Marburgensis : a staminum situ describendi 591.

cornus mas sorten

Pal tratamientu d'infecciones víriques como catarros y gripe.Ye estimulante inmunitario encamentáu p'aumentar les defenses contra enfermedaes infeicioses.La droga constituyir de normal los raigaños, pero n'ocasiones tamién s'emplega la parte aérea de la planta.

cornus mas sorten

Cultívase como planta ornamental o por cuenta de les sos propiedaes farmacolóxiques n'otres partes del mundu. Planta natural de Norteamérica onde s'atopa ente Illinois y Nebraska y escontra el sur hasta Misuri, Luisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Florida, Texas y Méxicu, onde crez n'llanures, praderíes y llombes seques. El receptáculu ye espinosu y el frutu ye un aqueniu tetragonal mediu centimétrico, de color amarellentáu, ensin miriguanu, con una corona de dientes más o menos agudes y unos visaxes llonxitudinales. Les flores centrales son tubulares y de color mariellu maciu. Les flores esternes son lígules maneres de llimbu estrechu y de unos 3 cm de llargor son de color rosa o púrpura. Algama'l metro d'altor y los sos fueyes son enteres y llanceolaes con trés nervaciones.

Cornus mas sorten full#

Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.Ye una planta yerbácea con raigañu negra y sabor picante. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.

  • Copyright of Erwerbs-Obstbau is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission.
  • Ukrainian varieties were characterized by a higher content of trace elements (avg. Slovakian ecotype of Cornus mas 'Sokolnicky' contained the highest amount of citric acid (avg. Varieties of Cornus mas originating in Austria were rich in polyphenols (avg. originating in the Czech Republic contained high amount of ascorbic acid (avg. varieties or ecotypes originating in the Czech Republic ('Ruzynsky', 'Tisnovsky', 'Olomoucky'), Ukraine ('Elegantni', 'Vydubecky', 'Vysegrodsky', 'Lukjanovsky'), Austria ('Fruchtal', 'Jolico') and Slovakia ('Sokolnicky') is significantly different. The results showed that the chemical composition of Cornus mas L. To exclude the impact of climatic conditions, fruits harvested in three seasons (2010–2012) were analysed. fruit grown in the Czech Republic and to find out whether it is possible to differentiate these varieties and ecotypes from one another by means of analysis of variance of the obtained data. The main goal of the present study was to determine pomological properties of 6 varieties and 4 ecotypes of Cornus mas L. Although these fruits currently belong to marginal species, there is an increasing interest in cultivating this crop. in the food industry has a long tradition in the Czech Republic.
  • Abstract: The use of the fruit of the Cornus mas L.

  • Cornus mas sorten